This mod is really great, I had it installed and working fine.
But I'm 100% newbie on this HTML stuff and getting some hard times trying to understand some stuff.
I trying to include 5 pics on my header and make them rotating every 30 secs, I aprearently made the adcodes right and paste them like this on the correct field:
HTML Code:
<img src= alt="" /> | <img src= alt="" /> | <img src= alt="" /> | <img src=http://www. alt="" /> | <img src= alt="" />
When running this thing all the 5 pics are showed correctly but between every pic refreshes the header show me a blank image. What am I doing wrong ?
Can some one tell me how to associante hyperlinks to images using the above example ?
Last thing, does someone here created a mod or somenthing to make a kind of click statistics for the ads ? I know openads can do that and it's free but this mod is so cool and work so good for Vb that I don't want to fry my brain to use openads.
Thank you guys.