I apologize if this has been discussed already, I read through many of the pages but not all. Here are my site's specs:
php 5.2.1
* Integrated with vBulletin 3.6.8
* Hosted
* Server's OS system=Linux
* Server's php=5.2.1 and mysql=5.0.45-community
* web server=Apache v1.3.37
I have very much enjoyed some of the features of goldbrick but am having a few problems. When goldbrick is enabled I get a fatal error when linking to certain threads (which contain animated gif's). The error regards memory allocation in the public_html/forums/class/includes/class_goldbrick.php line 720 (this lines reads: public function deliver($url, $options) ). Only when I disable goldbrick does this thread open. I also cannot get any video other than googlevid or youtube to function. Lastly, since I have installed GB, all imageshack thumbnail images posted in our forums do not function (this is probably my chief concern), the thumbnails open a new window displaying on the thumbnail. I can open .png, .jpg, .mp3 files with no probelms provided they are not loaded by image shack. Any ideas on how I can remedy these issues. BTW-Even when uninstalled, the imageshack pics did not return to their previous functionality, and I have thousands of pics affected by this problem. Thanks in advance!!!