I had the overflow problem too. I changed the two instances of ALIGN=LEFT to ALIGN=CENTER and that seems to have fixed it.
A couple of questions though: -
I also have Photoplog installed (the free version released here) and since this ShoutCast mod is on the navbar, it also displays in Photoplog . . . problem is that (predictably) it always shows the offline message. The stream status is shown correctly on all other pages, just in Photoplog it says "offline" all the time.
Is there any way to either force the correct display on the Photoplog pages OR remove it from the navbar in Photoplog? Indeed, does it necessarily need to be placed on the navbar, or could this code be added elsewhere on the board - in a side column for example?
The other question is: Most of my members listen with Winamp rather than MediaPlayer. Could the code be altered to call Winamp instead?
Any suggestions on these points would be much appreciated.