Originally Posted by Marco van Herwaarden
I am running (well doing tech. admin for) a board that each day has periods with over 2.000 concurrent users online. Still running it on a single machine (dedicated ofcourse), although it starts to hit the limits of a single machine. As i can still run it on a single machine, i consider it to be just a medium sized board.
We at 3D Realms got swamped when we released the DNF Teaser Trailer in December. We shattered our record for concurrent users then, at the peak, we had 3,145 on at the same time.
The server was hurting - but it didn't break. We have over half a million posts, and I think something like 12,000 users (although probably about 4 of those are "active").
Our forums are on their own box - we segregated out the
www.3drealms.com part of our online presence to another box earlier in 2007.
I always considered our board somewhat large, but not "uber" large.