stabbingd no... but when someone gets shot, it tends to make the papers
Well it does in scotand, maybe not in england.
Anyway, i refer you to the gun crime per head statistic, and more importantly, i refer you to the statistic of under 20s killed by guns in each country
in 1998 10 children or teens died EVERY DAY via firearms. over 3700 that year, and that was DOWN 4 per cent on the year before.
Firearms injuries are one of the TOP TEN causes of death in the US.
In the UK its not even in the top 100. I'd be surprised if it was in the top 1,000.
Homicide rate in the UK in 2000 is 1.4 per 100,000, US is 5.5 also in 2000, thats almost 5 times more, and gun homocide rate is even worse!
Gun homicide rate in scotland (couldnt find any UK figures) in 2002 was 0.06 per 100,000. In the US in 2001 (couldnt find 2002 figures)it was 3.98. In other words, over SIXTY TIMES more. Think on that, in a country where guns are legal, 60 people are killed with a gun for every one person in a country where they aren't.
its basic logic. You give people guns, they'll kill each other with them. People will kill themselves with them. Kids will accidentally shoot themselves and each other with them. Guns make it EASY. There is NO other way of killing someone that is as easy as using a gun. Why make it easier for people to kill each other? it's stupid.