Thanks John, but I do believe this one is issue free
[high]* Cyricx KNOCKS ON WOOD... HARD...[/high]
I had a report with a bug with event forums, but loaded up both mods and tested fully. Found no compatability issues.
The smtp authetication doesn't work, but I haven't had a chance to try Alex's suggested code above
Tek put it through the ringer with php 4 so I'm solid on that.
I'm actually very confident on this code
The only thing people might experience a burp with is when they install this, if they have been using the old versions, and they start to use the "New Email Layout", the old formatted emails won't go through.
But if your started out on 2.4, or choose to use the old layout for emails. Your set to rock and roll
I'll be working with mashby tonight to determine what he's got going on, but I believe that will be a isolated issue