Yup, only I'm using class.openid.v2.php. I'm still in two minds as to whether to stick with it, or use the no doubt more mainstream JanRain stuff.
Yes, I'm doing registration. I just re-organized the regular registration page a little to put the CAPTCHA at the top, as we want to process that regardless, then an either / or for OpenID or specifying the regular details as normal.
Then one plugin one the start hook that just handles the referering and response from OpenID, grabbing the response data, creating a random password, and finagling the $_POST variables for 'addmember' appropriately. And one on the stop hook to associate the OpenID identity with the new user.
The one thing I don't like about wnorris's code is that it relies on using a standard login with blank password, and catching the authentication failure. I much prefer having an explicit OpenID field in the login form, and taking a separate route through the code. No disrespect to wnorris, his is a perfectly workable way of doing it. I just prefer to stick to the OpenID standard UI, and making it a separate, clearly labeled option.
Have you seen this page:
... which suggests allowing the users to attach multiple openid's to their account. I'm assuming this is as a fallback in case their primary povider is down for some reason? I can't think of any other reason for needing more than one OpenID associated with a given bb account?
-- hugh