Originally Posted by Bree
Thanks a bunch... worked perfect on my 3.7 Beta 3! And thanks too for mentioning that edit... I always did want to make that smilie popup box bigger (as I use bigger smilies)... You wouldn't know by chance how to get the other one (where you click on top of post and it drops down to only show a few more smilies) a little bigger would ya?
*Installed* *Rated Excellent* *Nominated*
Always, Bree
Sorry for the delay in replying.. I didn't get a notification that this thread had a new post.
I'm glad you enjoyed the hack and I'm glad I was able to give you an extra helping hand too

If you want to make the menu dropdown bigger then you need to edit a file.
clientscript/vbulletin_textedit.js find:
case 'smilie':
menu = this.init_menu_container('smilie', '175px', '250px', 'auto');
this.build_smilie_popup(obj, menu);
you need to edit this part:
menu = this.init_menu_container('smilie', '175px', '250px', 'auto');
the width is currently 175px
the height is currently 250px
replace as you see fit..
once again, sorry for the delay in getting back to you on this.