Originally Posted by rbrashear68
Okay Christi, I think I have a small clue what you mean. In the ACP, I go to edit templates, then User Profile Fields, then what sub category do I choose? Is it 'userfield_textbox'?
Yes depending on which field you are creating you will either make a single line text field or a mutiline text field. Here is a list of the ones I created. Just replace the field numbers that are generated when you create your fields in the code I sent you. So if you make an about me field and it is listed as field 13 then change the field1 in the code to refect field 13 which is yours. To create a field just go in to Admin CP click on "User Profile Fields" then click on "User Profile Field Manager" .
About Me
Multiple-Line Text Box Editable, Searchable field1
Single-Line Text Box Editable, Searchable, Members List field2
Single-Line Text Box Editable, Searchable field17
Interest General
Multiple-Line Text Box Editable, Searchable field3
Single-Line Text Box Editable, Searchable field18
Single-Line Text Box Editable, Searchable field4
Multiple-Line Text Box Editable, Searchable field21
Multiple-Line Text Box Editable, Searchable field22
Multiple-Line Text Box Editable, Searchable field23
TV Shows
Multiple-Line Text Box Editable, Searchable field24
Multiple-Line Text Box Editable, Searchable field25
Marital Status:
Single-Line Text Box Editable, Searchable field26
Single-Line Text Box Editable, Searchable field27
Single-Line Text Box Editable, Searchable field28
Home Town
Single-Line Text Box Editable, Searchable field29
Single-Line Text Box Editable, Searchable field30
Who I would like to meet:
Multiple-Line Text Box Editable, Searchable field31
Myspace URL
Single-Line Text Box Editable, Searchable, Members List field19
Yuwie Profile Address
Single-Line Text Box Editable, Searchable, Members List field12
Youtube Video v=
Single-Line Text Box Editable, Searchable field20