Well for everyone's benefit heres my hack to extract the next events from the calendar if they fall 10 days before today and 10 days after today.
The way you work with this script is that you put it in your crontab and if you can't put it in your crontab then you can include it in your homepage.
Putting it in your crontab is more effective because really you only want to run this script to run only once a day.
In your crontab ( crontab -e ) type 0 6 * * * php -q /location/of/your/script > /the/path/to/your/website/calendaritems.php
This will create a .php on your website and you can then edit your index.php to call the php by adding <? require("calendaritems.php"); ?>
If you can't put the script in crontab then you could alternatively just put in a file called "calendaritemsscript.php" and then doing a <? require("calendaritemsscript.php"); ?>
The downside of that is that your website will be hammering the database and pulling the info everytime a visitor comes to open your website. I highly recommend against doing it this way.
Here is the script:
$connecttodb=mysql_connect("localhost","username", "password" ) or die ("Unable to connect to MySQL");
$calendarentries = "select eventid,title,DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline_from)),D ATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline_to) ) from event where date_sub(now(),INTERVAL 10 DAY) <= FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline_from) and date_add(now(), INTERVAL 10 DAY) >= FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline_to)";
$db = mysql_db_query("forumdatabase", $calendarentries);
$numrows = mysql_num_rows($db);
echo "
<table width='260'>
<td bgcolor=\"#15589B\" align='center'><b><font size='2' color='white'>Calendar of Events
If ($db)
While ($pp = mysql_fetch_array($db))
$id = $pp["eventid"];
$title = $pp["title"];
$from = $pp["DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline_from))"];
$to = $pp["DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline_to))"];
echo "
<font size=1>
<a href=\"http://www.yourforumwebsite.com/calendar.php?do=getinfo&day=$from&e=$id&c=1id\" target=_blank> $title
echo "</td>
Any questions, ask away.