Hi Everyone!
I'd like to do something on my board. We are the biggest community trading bootlegs, but this doesn't matter. I'd like to offer to my users to host their websites or only their list with pre-defined template. And I got some problems with it. I made some script by myself but they didn't do exactly what I want.
I want to give that opportunity only to registered users so I think I should make it via Vbulletin. I know how to send their data to the database, I know how to display it, but how to make it avaible only for users? Making template & form it's easy for me, but I don't know how to make it avaible only for registered users.
Second case, I got data sent to the database /MySQL/, how to make it editable? Let's say, user has sent his site, for example, then after few weeks he wants to update it. How to make it? There's all user's data in one record in one table, how to replace it?
Third case. User John, has posted his site. How to make it avaible @ specific URL, ex.
http://mysite.com/john ?
I'd thought about using this template:
PHP Code:
if (isset($_GET['user'])){
switch ($_GET['user']) {
case "John":
echo 'john';
and then give URL
http://mysite.com/index.php?user=john & I think I can do that. But how to make it automatically?
It will be very necessary feature on my board & I think it's all related witn vBulletin forum, so I hope someone could give me some tips.
Best Regards,
Andrzej aka Pedro
I searched forums I found something like that: WebTemplates 3.5.x: VB Integrated CMS (Content Management System). I tihnk this could be that what I need but now question: How to add that opportinuty to the users? Using this hack or something else?