Blaine - you have done a fantastic job with this product and should be commended.
Unfortunately though I can't really install this mod on my live forum for some very simple reasons - please don't consider my comments as negative. Forum members would use the mod so much more if they got exposure to what they are selling/auctioning and when you mix this with the fact that people come to a forum to read the posts then the answer is that the two need to be combined.
Many mods are add-on pages and I personally have found that they don't get used much for the reason I said above - people come to the forums to read posts. So, for this reason many forum owners usually have one of their forums being "anything for sale" which contains separate threads that users have created to sell an item - a separate page is out of sight out of mind whereas a for sale forum in all the other forums gets noticed by the forum users resulting in things being sold - better success then a separate page.
I would so much like to have your auction system where the items are listed as threads within the forum structure. The only other thing that I would very much want is to be able to define a standard format display such as:
Item: The Big Item
Price: $100
Description: yada yada yada
Location: My Place
Colour: Green
- if vBay was integrated with the forums more as in the above then I truly believe that vBay is a real winner. When a person clicks on the thread your page opens up instead of the normal posts. Perhaps the threads could even be sorted with Auctions first then standard "For Sale" items and then all the closed auctions/sold items.
In any case - well done Blaine!