Originally Posted by Vinyljunky
The threads confirm the reason why guns shouldnt be easily availabe
We dont have a big gun problem in the UK, there are problems but not like you guys have 
UK's gun ban is ridiculous.
"A new study suggests the use of handguns in crime rose by 40% in the two years after the weapons were banned."
This is from your STATE SANCTIONED news media.
Here you'll see US and UK crime rates compared:
You'll notice that the UK's is higher. You'll also notice Switzerland has a lower crime rate than both, and they also have this:
All of this is irrelevant though, as found by the study by the CDC, that I like below.
You are obviously ignorant. The CDC, a pro-gun control group found that:
"The Task Force found insufficient evidence to determine the effectiveness of any of the firearms laws or combinations of laws reviewed on violent outcomes."
Meaning, more or less, that guns have little to do with violence from country to country and it is more related to the culture of the residents.
More food for thought:
All your gun laws do is disarm law abiding citizens and leave them unable to protect themselves from people who wish to hurt them. What do you have to fear from a law abiding citizen? Why are you scared of your fellow man being armed?