Hello every one, I have search this topic but could not found an answer, perhaps I'm the only only one who has en counterd the hack.
It's possible to submit "changed" high scores of a game if the users uses < 8.0 of flash plug in in a browser. The tool is named as flash hack tool. With this tool a user is able of changing the score before it's submitted to the website.
The solution is very simple, add a line of code that control's the flash game/player.
The code needs to check which version of Flash is at the users side and if lower than 8 reverse it to a page where (I, the web master) can ask to upgrade to the newest version.
I'm only unknown with the script.
Does anyone know an solution ore (if I write a peach of PHP code) tell me where to include it?
Its a very nasty bug, Looking for your opinions/reactions.