I'm a Christian, and I'm not getting chipped ever, but I want to point out, that the bible lays out that WORSHIP of the beast is damnable, and then there is the SIGN of the beast which is 666, and then there is the MARK which is simply economical and does not include a punishment. But often enough, all three are lumped together.
Just read over revalations, I know most people who profess to know anything never actually read their bibles.
On another note, those of you inside the US, prolly know about the REAL ID act which will eventually lead to us all being chipped here in the US.
I can't wait till we get our beloved NAU and merge with the EU.
Globalism, ahh I love it. NOT
It's be wonderful if the world leaders really wanted to build the federation but they don't they want to sell you on world peace to build the BORG empire. YOU ARE WARNED.