Originally Posted by magnus
Automatic or manual edits are irrelevant in display issues. You can simple edit the template to make it look however you want. Look for vbpost_postbit in your templates and edit away. :P
Hi magnus.
It's not the actual postbit preview box that is the issue...it's the placing of the little "expand" image in the threadbit that's the issue. When it's there, any attachment icons get pushed down to the bottom right rather than top right, this then seems to impact on any threadrating icons by squashing them up next to everything else.
I managed to stop this happening in Firefox but then the expand icon didn't show up at all in IE on getnew/getdaily (which is where it's most needed on my site), but was still ok on forumdisplay.
As I say, it works fione, it's just altering some formatting somewhere in threadbit, and try as I might I can't work out what.