MGC Chatbox Evolution (v2.0) Development status
As I promised, here is the new development status update.
I have been pretty busy since the beginning of the year at work and haven't been able to do a lot of work on the chatbox but it's going on its way and there is now very few things to finish before it's ready for beta release.
I know this is quite long for all of you but I want to bring you a very very good version of the product so it takes the time
So far, all commands have been ported back to the new command system and the list of remaining tasks has drastically diminished, most of them are already existing features that need to be rewritten for the new code structure.
I have also changed the way ajax is handled in order to enhance compatibility with non-english languages with specific characters. It's now handled in the way the Jelsoft team handles it in vBulletin.
Many tweaks have been added too but you will discover them upon release.
Following is the list of remaining tasks :
- Re-adding the possibility to show the chatbox on forumhome, forumdisplay, showthread and all pages features (for the moment it works only on full page mode but this is not a big deal, just few plugins to get back to the new version) [OK]
- Archives w. download archive feature (The archive page will be remodeled as actually it's a bit too big with all messages split alone in their boxes [OK]
- Inactive mode [OK]
- Creating a session tracking for the chatbox or tweaking the vBulletin one in order to be able to get a working version of the who's in the chatbox [OK]
- Maximum number of posts per day to access the chatbox (dynamic 24H)
- Separate timestamp for archives and chatbox [OK]
- Forumids where to show the chatbox in case of display on the forumdisplay or showthread pages [OK]
- Default text color for usergroups [OK]
- Shouts search system (Perhaps not sure it will be in the upcoming version)
- Work with stangger5 on the little tweak that could help for the vbadvanced mod
And the most important thing will be to make an importer from the old version to new one as I have renamed all chatbox tables to new names due to the major changes in the code structure. The importer will only get back old chats to the new version leaving you the configuration of the chatbox to achieve
I think I'll release a beta before developping an importer, which I hope will be in 2 weeks (I will not be able to code during the weekend this week so won't be able to work a lot on it).