The Magic Tool Bar don't show on my Quick Reply!!
Is there a Code I can Add instead of the Code you specified to be included on the "showthread_quickreply" Template, that is Basically ($vBeditTemplate[extrabuttons])??
Perhaps by Including that Code like the One on the "
mtool_buttons" Template, the Problem with the NO Displaying on the QuickReply could be Solved?? (You're the Expert)

And Also could a similar Code be Used on the Quick Edit Editor ("postbit_quickedit" Template) to be Able to Use the Magic Buttons on All the Editors??
It shows Fine on my Full Editor when I create a Message and a New Thread!!
Is there a way to Add the Magic Tool Bar to the Quick Edit Editor??

(I think shoul be done in the "postbit_quickedit" Template)
My Best Regards!!