Originally Posted by Freesteyelz
Must not have been a good friend, eh?
Pawn is a better word.

While I never really brought a gun
in to the school I did have a habit of storing things in other peoples lockers if the need presented itself.
I did bring a gun to school once because I had forgotten to take it out of the car when I came home the night before. I didn't realize this until the end of the day and when I did I made sure to get out of that school zone as quickly as possible (for people not in the USA: Having a firearm within 300 feet of a school zone is a felony. In fact doing just about anything within 300 feet of a school zone is.

I had a couple of friends who would bring their shotguns and rifles to school all of the time during the hunting seasons. They used to come school after spending a few hours in the woods before hand...if they killed anything they would skip but otherwise they'd just load up the truck (with the guns in a lock box) and come directly to class.
Heh I remember bringing a pocket knife to school in the 4th grade and not begin able to figure out why it wasn't allowed. As far as I was concerned "sharping my pencil" and "never knowing when I might need it" were valid reasons for carrying it at all times (just like the old man

). My dad came in and cleaned that whole mess up for me, they even gave me my pocket knife back and let me keep it for the rest of the day with a stern reminder that I should leave it at home on school days.
School system is nuts these days...