01-12-2008, 05:49 AM
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 2,251
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version 1.2
- Added option to let users delete their own messages.
- Added option to show username links with user group colors. Note this may raise resource usage.
- Added WOL support.
- Added option to change the HTML tag used around usernames.
- Added smilies!
version 1.3
- Now when the Chatbox auto-refreshes, the message the user was typing isn't lost.
This is not perfect, because by the time the Chatbox refreshes it gets the message, and the user has time to type more stuff while the page is loading, so it may lose some letters.
version 1.4
- Added Ajax!
Now you can set your refresh rate to 3 seconds and make your server cry to mommy!
version 1.5
- Show Time? now correctly removes time from messages. When it does, mouseover the user name will show the time.
- Added automatic URL parsing. Requires BBCode to be enabled.
- Added hide refresh button option, good if you have a low refresh interval.
- Added option to change the image smilies button into a normal button, same as send and refresh.
- Added Banned Users option.
- Input buttons now use the correct button CSS class.
- Added cron files to the zip file, auto prune and auto post, the instructions to use them are in cron/cron.txt
version 1.6
- Fixed IE7 bug, the ajax code now uses vB's ajax functions.
version 1.7
- Added /me code. Users can use the /me code in front of messages to denote an action.
- When posting the posted message now appears right away, as opposed to having to wait for a refresh. This is faster and uses a little less resources.
- Added Chatbox height option. To use it, redo your forumhome template edit. If you like your Chatbox size you don't need to do it.
version 1.8
- Forced align="left" on main <div>s because people were having problems with the chatbox content being centered.
- Changed javascript function name from deleteShout() to deleteMessage(), because this is a chatbox not a shoutbox :P and the name was visible to users on mouseover
- Added time CSS class to times so it matches the rest of the forum (btw Mark I always loved your forum since I made games for v3arcade)
- Added javascript isRefreshing check, so the chatbox won't have two parallel refresh instances and show duplicate messages, to fix problem on slower connections.
- When showing latest messages at the bottom, the chatbox now will only scroll to the bottom when there are new messages. (only works if you are not updating all messages on each refresh)
- Fixed javascript warning, was getting shoutsDiv <div> by it's name, wasn't defining shoutsDiv variable. (wonder how it worked in the first place)
- Added option to update all messages on refresh. This will fix deleted messages not being removed from users chatboxes, but can highly increase resource usage. The default method is getting only the new messages.
- Added message colors. You must enable it in the Chatbox options. You can change the available colors in the options.
version 1.9
- Added option to disable auto refreshing for guests. This can save resources if you have a low refresh rate.
version 2.0
- fixed minor bug that could stop the chatbox from working if the ajax response had newlines
- fixed bug that the chatbox was using the primary usergroup colors instead of the display usergroup colors for the username coloring
- fixed instructions for the chatbox under the navbar or under the forum list, old code's collapse wasn't working properly
- changed the default Chatbox place on the forum home page in the install instructions to show it after the forum listing
- updated the install instructions to be easier to follow and have more info
version 2.1
- changed ajax code for compatibility with vB 3.7
version 2.1.1
- color chosen by user now gets saved in a cookie. to update mod, just upload chatbox.php and chatbox_ajax_color.php