Bobster, Others, Anyone?
Please pardon my newbie-like question, but well, I am a newbie. Anyway, I have downloaded this hack and I think it is going to work great for me once I configure it to the site style I am working on.
Here is my question: I am using the css text and the tabexternal.php that Glorify posted, I have changed the paths to point to my domain, but for some reason I cannot get the recent threads to display - The tabs are there, the outer border is there (in other words, the module is working) but I cannot get it to display the recent thread content.
I do (also) have the recent thread module running below it, just to make sure they were showing the same, but only the VBA recent threads displays... Any thoughts?
Where am I going wrong?
Also, on Glorify's site, there is a box that contains photos with what appears to be RSS type feeds, each photo has a text overlay that links to a full story and the ability for others to post - Is this your work also? if so, How do I go about implementing that on my site? Please advise.
Thanks in advance!
As green as they come,