Originally Posted by nike.stars
i've been trying this on my local server using freshly installed vbulletin:
- the forum is in www.domain.com/vbulletin/
- the groups is in www.domain.com/vbulletin/groups
- i edited the grps_config.php to "../"
- the instalation is success with "Done" message
- i've already activated the GRPS via admin CP
still i need further advice, i've everything in the install.txt correctly but i have still have some problem:
- after finishing the instalation, is there any changes on the forum home?
- how do i access the groups beside entering www.domain.com/vbulletin/groups ?
- if i access that URL, i have an error that identify me doesn't have permissions to access that page, what permissions is this?
I have the same problem. Pluin installed and everything worked fine. After editing two group categories i can't access the groups page anymore and the software tells me that i don't have permission to access groups.
How to get out of this?