Originally Posted by sundarmobiles
wr to upload .htaccess file for apache server i mean root path?.........................
The forum path more precisely, if you're using the licensed product vbseo you must already have an htaccess in your forum root to rewrite urls, so instead of to delete the one from vbseo just open it and add at the end the sitemaps rewrite.
Originally Posted by sundarmobiles
hai cant understand this step any one help me this step needed one for us after installing this mod bcos in tat instrucion it said for (vbseo users pls skip this steps) so we need this step or not?here is the screeen shot................

Yes vbseo is another licensed product they have made and probably directly imported the sitemap rewrite in it, to check if you htaccess is valid that's simple, just open it and if you do not have the lines highlighted in red, just add them.
Originally Posted by sundarmobiles
hai i have one .htacess file default in this root path /vbseo_sitemap/data/ and in the .htacess file am having this msg only (deny from all) is it correct and one more thing i cant change the permission of .log files in cuteftp software.....................
Yes this is correct this is a securiy prevention in the case you setup too much restriction to the data folder, malicious hackers knows this folder could be hackable if it's not surveyed enough. If you cannot change the permission from your ftp this mean the user under which runs the ftp software isn't the owner of the files nor do not have enough access, you'll have to find out under wich user your ftp server is running, in the case of a shared hosting the ftp user is your ftp login name so you will probably have to change the owner of some files with "chown user:group files" command.