Is there an edit to the code which will remove the rights of moderators, so only admins and super mods can view and issue warnings?
Im guessing its something to do with:
if ($_GET['do'] == 'removewarning')
if (!can_moderate() || !$vbulletin->options['can_del_warn'])
if (!$Warn = $DB->query_first("select w.*, u.* from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "warnlog w left join " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user u on(u.userid = w.w_user) where w.wid = '" . intval($_GET['log']) . "'"))
which is located in the warn.php
Any idea how this can be altered to put in the Admin + Supermod usergroup?
(If you search "can_moderate) in the warn.php you will notice that relates to the view/warn and delete.