I want to make a note for those who said they were having trouble with this Hack, please make sure that you enter all the Usergroup IDs of the Usergroups who you want to be able to use this Hack in the "Allowed Usergroups" Settings Section.
I have a feeling that most of you left "0" in there. What the "0" does is "not force any usergroups". What that means is that no usergroup will be able to use the Hack, basically if you enter "0" there, then you are disabling the Hack completely.
I think that this is the solution to most (if not all) the problems for those who were claiming that this hack wasnt working. Please enter the Usergroup IDs and report back if it works for you or not.
PS. Some of you might be wondering how I figured this out, well one of the members on here who installed this Hack and was having problems, sent me a PM with Admin Login Info into their site and upon checking out the settings, this was the problem. They forgot to enter the Usergroup IDs in the specified Setting. I entered "6" for the USergroup ID to test if Administrators could view the Hack and voila, it worked!