Originally Posted by RedTyger
AdminCP > Plugins & Products > Add new plugin
Product: vB Ad Management
Hook location: global_start
Title: Month conditional
Execution order: 5
Plugin PHP Code:
$adintegrate_month = date('F', TIMENOW);
Plugin is active? Yes
Save the plugin. Now you can use this conditional in your adcode:
<if condition="in_array($GLOBALS[adintegrate_month], array(February, April, June, August, October, December))">
Ad stuff goes here
You can change the list of valid months as you wish, of course.
I've been using this with great success until today when I went to put a new batch of advertising in place. I used:
<if condition="in_array($GLOBALS[adintegrate_month], array(January, March, May, July, September, November))">
<div align="center">
and all i get is a blank ad box....
Any ideas?