Originally Posted by Philosopher
How can I enable autmatic cleaning of shouts? Please, help! I can't find it 
You have to first set the option : MGC Chatbox : General Options > Numbers of days of the shouts to remove to your wanted value.
And then you'll just have to check in the cron manager if the chatbox task is set active and this should do it
Originally Posted by sandbender
I love this chatbox! Clicked "installed" & wish it was listed for MOTM.
I too would love a Private Chatbox capability, or at least private for several forums. For now, I'm just using the Team feature, where mods & admins can vent privately.
I've been reading this very long thread all day trying to find out how to display the chatbox on just certain forums, done about 15 thread searches, View Sources etc. and still can't figure it out. Brain freeze!
So can you spell it out for me, perhaps with an example of what needs to go on the Other Pages List?
Thanks so much & keep up the great work!
What do you mean exactly by private ? If you want regular users not to see it, then you can just set the usergroups options ofr the other groups to no.
It's not possible actually to show the chatbox only on certains forums but this is a functionnality I am willing to add.
Originally Posted by ajm4481
cant figure out how to unban and see a list of banned people. how do i do this?
Use the help button in the chatbox to see the command syntaxes