well i opened the forum already at one point before the main site was ready and members started pouring in but i shut the forum down momentarily to build everything then relaunch the WHOLE site(all the stuff i included in the first post). since the shut down my inbox has been filling up with emails from members and guest visitors asking when the site will be relaunched again soo member appreciate it, want to come back and other want to join. secondly me and a couple of people started developing custom performance parts and integration parts that opened up a whole new window of modification for mustangs soo we have an edge on the competition, through offering troubleshooting and feedback on the site. mayb it will work maybe not but i gotta give it a shot, do you trully know for sure that the site will crash and burn no, do i know its going to prosper no. but its worth a shot.
anyone have any experience with phpnuke, joomla... or any of those open sourse CMS
one person recommended
http://www.interspire.com/articlelive/ i tried contacting customer service explaining what i am trying to do but i havent heard anything back yet. Gonna try a second time also .