Originally Posted by djbaxter
... This was one member, a single member, who disabled PMs for himself ....only but wanted Moods. What I discovered was that Moods is disabled for any member who uses the option to disable PMs. When the member re-enables PMs, Moods reappears. ...
Oy! Some people just can't be helped no matter how much you try.
Did you even bother to read what I wrote as to why it does not work if PMs are disabled? It doesn't matter if they are disabled site-wide or for an individual user, if the phrase that is being searched for is not in the template then the automatic template edit in the plug-in can not be done. It's that simple.
If you think it's a "bug" then just edit the plugin to use some other piece of text that you know will always be in your navbar template or disable the plugin and do the template change manually like I said in the first place.