Sorry about that...
To be more specific, the installation was flawless...until it came time to sell my first item. As I was entering text to describe the item...the font color wasn't working. When I finished entering text and went to view the item, most of the description I just got finished typing was gone. I went to edit the text, and afterwards...all showed up, but there was a BBCode parsing problem. It would show [i] and the text was italicized in the description.
Another problem with this that the only thing that can be edited is the text description...what's up with that? What if I need to add another image? Change shipping costs?
I also setup the new usergroup as a public joinable group, but when I tried adding a test user, and went through the process of joining the group through vBay...I was told after clicking the Join Group button, that the group doesn't appear to be a public group...when, in fact, it is.
So...needless to say, you still have a few kinks to iron out there. Then again, it could be the mods I already have installed conflicting with this new one...who knows...
I'm just not ready to give up what I already have installed for a vBay mod.