Hello to all,
Since 2 days, I am trying to install Anymedia 3.1b3 on a vBulletin 3.5.1 running under PHP Version 4.4.4
For many reasons that will be too long to explain, I cannot upload to a newer vB version and my hosting company do not plan to move to PHP5 before mid 2008.
So, I installed Anymedia 3.1b3 on my current platform...
First I was really disapointed to not find any basic install instructions. I read today the 90 pages of this forum to learn that I have to set usergroups and forums permissions. According other things I read, I think I have templates to edit ... wicht templates ? wich replacements ? I don't know...
So Anymedia seems to work partially on my website :
I can manually (I do not have the
M tag in the editor) enter
[media]my file URL[/media] from direct links for .avi, .wmv, .asx and it correctely launch the player and play the video. Pict 1
Attachment 74305
Regarding YouTube, it does not play the video but only show a thumbail and ask for upgrade flashplayer2. Pict 2
Attachment 74306
So, I am sure that I miss info to install correctely this product.
1) I would like to have instructions to have the
M tag on the editor to direct paste video URLs, please
2) I would like to solve the problem with YouTube flashplayer ....
Many thanks in advance for help.