Well...I...don't really know what to say Juan

I never really thought of that. I don't have a PayPalID, but I can get one (assuming it is free (I think it is)). My cousin uses it, so I have heard about it.
Merging is coming along nicely. It will probably be out late Friday or Saturday.
Christoph: The convertor does what it does fine. Many people use/used it, and all said it worked fine (the new version

). It currently converts:
- Users
- Forums & Categories
- Moderators
- Threads
- Posts
- PMs
- Styles
- Options
If you would like any more features to be imported, PLEASE, PLEASE tell me. I want this to be a good convertor.
JohnM: It is being made so that it workes with the vBulletin BBimport system. It was not earlier, because I never thought of doing it vB's way. I now realize that if I had used vB's format from the start (I could have, just never thought of

), it probably would have been done before now

. vBulletin's way also makes it 50x easier to do merging.
Hopefully, that answers everyone's questions. It's late, and if I'm gonna get that importer done tomorrow, I gotta get my sleep
Good night