Originally Posted by Rouzbeh1
i have set an attribute in admin section and set value for it in the entry too.
where would it be shown?
It should appear in the linkbit. In the alpha release, only the standard linkbit displays the attribute value. Once you're satisfied with the layout, etc, I'll include it in all the linkbits.
Another bit of info (not sure if this is explained on the form) - items with negative display orders and items with "Hidden" content are only displayed to usergroups with *can_see_hidden* permission. Items with positive display orders are shown to all usergroups. Currently, all attributes are offered/displayed if created in all categories. In the final version of 2.2.9, it will be possible to show/hide attribute groups on a per-category basis, so that (e.g.) attributes relevant to mp3s are only requested and displayed in the relevant categories.