Sorry, I meant b3 not b2.
The hook is definitely there. All I did was download the latest b3 ZIP, installed it, and installed the CES ZIP from this thread. The globals were all I had to add to the plugin to get it working. I didn't have to touch vB's code. Here's the fetch_hook, line 1341 of functions.php in fetch_profilefield_display():
($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('member_customfields')) ? eval($hook) : false;
Maybe they updated the b3 ZIP since your last download?
Obviously there are some other issues, like the AJAX based in-place editing on the Profile, which will blow away HTML formatting ... but that's just another SMOP.
EDIT - actually it doesn't trash the formatting, it just doesn't render as HTML on the AJAX response, because when vectoring through AJAX, $userinfo hasn't been set. So I just added ...
if (!$userinfo)
$userinfo = $vbulletin->userinfo;
... the the start of the plugin, now the AJAX response comes back properly formatted.
-- hugh