Originally Posted by vbFreelancers
I think that you've misunderstood something. Olympic didn't wrote that there are no "Buy it" and "Contact seller" options. He wrote that you can't see them, as you're the owner of the Ad. Potential buyers (and everybody except you) can see these options, so they can contact (PM) you and of course they can buy your items.
For the other, it's Olympic's responsibility to reply.
But I Think Must of the Questions and Answers should be Made In Public, Not Only Via PM, so that The Answers I Give to one Buyer can Serve to Other One and I Don't Get Many Same Questions!!
It's like in E-bay, You're able to Ask the Seller Questions, if You're Satisfied You Boy otherwise You Don't!! And Some Answers made to other Potential Buyers may Serve Me to Clarify About the Product!! This Along with the Reviews and Opinions of other Buyers can Help Me Make My Decision if Buying that Item from the Seller!!
I Think That Functionallity is Essencial!!
My Best Regards!!