Originally Posted by inciarco
One Bug: Images Don't Display Nor Upload On Folders Establishes With 777 Permissions!! 
By default (as I'm writting in my post) none usergroup has permission to do anything, and the default amount of photos tha a user can upload is "0". Have you setup it?
Originally Posted by inciarco
Other Bug: When Including a Smilie in the Description, and Seeing the My Classifieds Option the Smilies are Displayed Enormous!!  When Seeing the Classified the Smilies have a Normal Size.
In "My Classifieds" section the description that is appearing there is shorted according to the number of characters that you've setup in vbFClassifieds->Options. As the default is 100 characters, if you haven't change it, this is the reason that causes the problem.
Originally Posted by inciarco
Other Bug: There's No Option To Buy ?tems (Clasifieds), so there's No Way there's going to Be any Information Displayed on the My Sales and My Orders, Options!! 
Most probably you're trying to buy ...your items. My dear I spent lot of time to make the mod smart. To show what really needs to show. Except if you think that showing the option "Buy it" to ad's owner it's a need.
Originally Posted by inciarco
Other I Think Bug: There's No Rewiews Options For Users, I take as a Review the Concept of Allowing Users to Post Comments on the Classifieds!! 
Reviews are going to Sellers and not to items. This is the normal way that classifieds work. And to be able to rate/review a seller you must first buy something from him.
Originally Posted by inciarco
Other I Think Bug: There's No Option To Upload More Images (Just One)!! 
Not bug. Restriction of Lite version.
Originally Posted by inciarco
Without the Reply (Comments) Option, I Think The Mod is Incomplete, as well as Without the Option to Buy an Item and Tell the Seller a Buyer is Interested in the Classified!!
Also would be Great to Send a PM to the Seller when a Forumer (Client) is Interested in Buying an ?tem!! 
Same as your similar question about the "Buy it". What do you want the "Contact seller" in your own ads? Are you planing to contact yourselve?
Originally Posted by inciarco
I Hope You Can Solve This Bugs!! 
As you can see, none of what you reported, was a bug.
Originally Posted by inciarco
For Now I'll Continue Using with the SR Classifieds 1.0.5 Light and of Course vBClubs by Mary (MicroHellas) that Includes an Interesting Classifieds Feature!! 
vbFClassifieds, is an advanced version of Mary's mod. Its based on her code, we just added code to follow vB's prototype for security. Also Mary participate by 20% to our company (vBulletin Freelancers).