Originally Posted by sapper6fd
I've been using this hack now for a while and I must say this is by far one of, if not the best hack I've ever installed.
Prior to using it, I was getting anywhere from 10 - 30 spam bots registering on my forum a day, and around 15 or so spam posts per day. After installing this hack its been reduced to around 1 spam post per day, some times none.
At first the results were minimul (My recomendation - DO NOT use a mathmatical question). My question was "What is 10 + 10". The spam bots go by that no problem. When I changed my questions to "What Company makes the PlayStation 3?" the Spam bots stopped registering almost immediatly. Now the spam posts are all done manualy by kids trying to advertise their own forums, and I'll take that spam any day over porn and pharmacuticals.
Great job!
Of course never use mathematical question they are too easy to be broke, I'm using the human verification system builtin vbulletin 3.7 with 5 questions without any other verification like image or nospam and for now 0 bots registered with theses questions:
- What are the 4 last letters of the word 'Security' ?
- Finish DeNiro's famous phrase in Taxi 'Are you talking to...'
- What's a poc ? An explo...
- G.Bush is president of the US...
- The #1 search engines around the world is Goo...
This stopped 100% bots.