Ok, Question...
Why is it that it makes the large files, in our case 100 of them with 50K in each, and Google says it only shows a MUCH LOWER amount submitted?
From Map Report - TOTAL URLS 5,086,481
Google Shows in Webmaster Tools - URLS Submitted 86,481 (Last downloaded 13 hours ago.)
If I go into DETAILS and look at a random sample of the file details in Google most show 0 URL's in sitemap....
Like for sitemap_1.xml.gz and sitemap_50.xml.gz Google shows...
Sitemap type Web
Submitted Dec 27, 2007
Last downloaded by Google Jan 3, 2008
Total URLs in Sitemap 0
Yet IN the the file that is on my server it shows all the data in each.
So kind of concerned tat maybe that Google does not like what is being made. Anyone have any ideas. Anyone else using a webmaster account as I am can care to look.