Originally Posted by calumn
First of all I have to say this is an amazing plugin, but I am having trouble with the permissions.
I want to add a links directory to my forum so that registered users can add their links but guests can only browse and view the directory.
I tried setting this but at first no-one could submit links so I changed the permissions and now the right people can but they can also submit downloads.
How can I make it so that they can only submit links but not downloads?
You can turn off submission of urls that point to remote downloads using the LDM admin setting *allow_remote_downloads*. This is a general setting, not a per-usergroup permission, so you will block this feature for everyone.
Bear in mind that, for LDM, 'download' = something with a filetype that appears in the vbulletin attachment table. LDM manages the transfer of these downloads to keep the location hidden. If the url ends with a filetype that is not in the table, then LDM doesn't care, because it doesn't handle the transfer - it just triggers a browser redirect to get the url.