It is, of course, my own personal opinion based on the experience I've had. The only reason why I use it and I am sure that there are many other people in the same boat, is because I do not want to lose hundreds of pictures and posts. No more and no less. Hell, I would pay $100 for a script that would allow me to move to photoplog, gallery or anything as long as i do not have to be in a position where I have to e-mail your company again. You are simply not worth the hasle.
I hope that it becomes better, don't get me wrong but I have lost all faith. Only yesterday, after I paid for renewal, I found myself being unable to use the forums and after pointless e-mail exchanges, it turned out that it was my fault. I think I may have posted once or twice but because I did not renew my membership for one single year I found myself banned and could not even look for answers. It costs me 1 year renewal just to fix a problem I had, not to mention the stress and frustration of being treated like 10 year old.
I signed up for a new forum account and I could not read any of the fixes because it says "for customers only", what I could read however is how you treat your customers, which is with contempt, uncaring and with the attitude of "give us your money and shut up".
In the mean time and this is what bothers me, you are here answering criticism to try to convince more customers to part with their money yet yesterday, no one could be bothered to answer the most simple of requests at your company. Not because they very busy, but because they were hell bend it making is sound like it was my fault.