I have been using photopost for 5 years. When it came out, it was great and ground breaking, there was simply nothing like it. The problem is that it has not progressed that much and there are better alternatives.
Their support is non-exsistant, it has always been pretty bad but it has got worse and to the point that is best not to bother. In the years that I have been using Vbulletin, which is about 6, I have never needed to send a support ticket because solutions to every problem can be found in their forums. Photopost's forums are pretty bad and they do not answer any e-mails for support. When they do, the blame is always on the customer and treat most people like if there were idiots. There are plentuy examples at their forums, which you cannot even read until you pay for another year.
That is the difference between the best software and the worst, IMO. Support.