I have just purchased a vbulletin

(latest 3.6) and went to the mod section. I saw a load of cool mods and bookmarked them so I can install them later.
I didn't come acroos these mods, which I would really like, and if anyone could point me to them (if they're available, or give any information about that would eb great:
Shop - I think I did see one a while ago, iShop I think?
EDIT - Yes,
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=109515 can anyone tell me how good it is?
And I also want a mod that, how can I explain it, lets you reply to threads and when a bb code is used instead os showing you the code, it will show you the result..

EG. Say I type "I want this to be bold", highlight it then click the B button to make it bold, instead of the {b} and {/b} showing around the text, the text will actually appear bold..Im trying to explain this best I can but it's quite difficult lol.