I'm not an avid fan of darks styles so I'll try to push my personal grievance towards dark styles aside.
As a guest, I can't view any kind of logo on the forum. I'm not to sure whether members only can view the logo upon registration but if that was the case I would allow gusts to view the logo. If by the off chance you don't have any kind of logo I would add on so members are greeted with any forums signature image.
Well, at a first glance I like the style and the grey scale theme you have adopted. Coulours complement one another nicely, and visually, a really nice looking theme. the .tcat gradient's add to that visually experience with textures breaking out the theme in a good way.
However, there are some areas I think could be improved. The navbar links should sit on a gradient possibly with a lowered opacity textured gradient so the links in the navbar are easier to read.
Also I noticed towards the bottom your still using the vbulletin birthday icon. For me, this looks terrible and even more so placed onto a dark background because the white shows up even more on dark styles. Mayve add(in the same style as the other icons) some beer mugs or something so consistency still plays a big part in your theme.
Trivial that it may be, find some time to replace the navbits_finallink.gif Icon. Somehow the image doesn't do this style any justice and it looks visually poor compared to the image which resides above it.
Overall, nice theme and goodluck. :up: