Originally Posted by Shazz
Really lags forum and sucks up the bandwith -.-
Lags the serve?Based on personal experience this hack has not lagged the sever, unless you have a database server that offers free space. If you want a good website, upgrade or switch to a server that has plenty of space and bandwidth for the massive site you have. HaHaHa.
I'm only playing, but if you want to complain, give a reason that can be believable. This hack is so small it will not lag or reduce the performance of your website or server provider.
I have a couple complaints or suggestions, due to IE. I have a customized style, which your hack works perfect, but in default vBulletin style it doesn't show snowflakes properly. Many of my users agree that they see nothing, but X's in a box, dropping like rainfall. In IE under custom style the snowflakes are perfect, but in FireFox Browser there is never a problem with either styles.
Funny thing is, when I am in FireFox, the snowflakes are consistent in every style, but when viewing in Internet Explorer all styles are not consistent. Custom style in IE is perfect, but in vBullentin default style a snow flake shows up as a box with an X in the box. The box reacts as an raindrop on a window rather than a snowflake.
Any suggestions to my problem will be very appreciated. Thanks Brad