Originally Posted by Andrew Green
When the admincp got reworked all of the settings reverted to their defaults, chips in use, names, descriptions and lottery settings. That's why it is back to 2.
You also cannot change a draw once it has been started, changes always effect the next draw created, never ones that are already up. The reason is, lets say the ticket price is 1, I but 10 tickets, you change the ticket price to 10, this effects jackpots and has other people paying more then I did for the same tickets. Another problem is lets say I pick the numbers 10, 15 & 23. Then you go and change the number range to 1-15, yet I have a ticket with 23 on it.
Hi Andrew... Ok, that makes sense. I'll wait until the next drawing for it to change to the correct amount.
Is there a quick fix to remove games that are not active from the Casino menu? I thought you had this fixed at one time... not sure, but I don't use the Texas Hold 'em... and it is annoying to have users constantly ask about it cause it is on the Casino menu, but when they click it, they get the typical vb error of not having permission.
Thanks for your great Mod! And Happy New Year!!!