I spoke too soon!!!
Now everything seems to work fine when I'm using firefox. Unfortunately, some people still insist on using Internet Explorer. I've tested my forum using IE and I'm still having the same problems as before. What could this be???? When you log in it says.... "thanks for loging in XXX", then the redirect page brings you back to the main page and shows me a still being logged out.

So I try it again.... same result. and again, and again, and again....... (I tested it with IE version #6)
Then I click on a thread and it suddenly shows me as being logged in!!! what???

Then once it finally shows me as being logged in it wont let me log back out

Again and again....... I also noticed the time on the bottom of my forum page is not always up-to-the-minute. I can click refresh several times in a row and never get the same time twice. It might be 15 minutes ago, 4 minutes ago, 8 minures ago..... other times it's dead on accurate???
I have the simplest of forums on my site but I keep having problems that stump even the people from vBulletin. I don't get it! The only changes I've made were the logo at the top of the page. Added a few links to the nav bar, removed one word from the confirmation email and edited the "first read" message. (the message members or guests see before they are logged in) I don't think any of those changes could have caused this problem. The forum was just freshly installed a few days ago.
I'm thinking it has something to do with the cookie system. (which I don't know much about) I have my forum cookie path set to "/" which was the default setting and my cookie domain is set to "(Blank)" also the default setting. Do I need to change these?
Does anyone have any ideas for me?
UPDATE: I've just installed IE7 on my computer and updated my Java to the latest version and I'm still having the same problem with IE. I hate computers.