Originally Posted by Humayun1
Hello i have downloaded and installed this mod and is working perfect. Am also getting a good response by my members because of such a nice tool added to forum. I am having a little problem while integrating google adsense in my software download section. I have selected to show ads after the first post in the thread but when i do a post (post the description and link of software) in the download section then no ads are displayed there after my post.
Can you please tell me how can i display ads after every first post in the download mod.
DownloadsII comments hasn't got anything to do with forum posts and the DownloadsII code isn't listening to such a first post setting from another mod we don't know
DownloadsII is fully templated, so you can add Google AdSense code pretty easily. The comment bit template is downloads_file_comment. At the end of the template code of downloads_file_comment, you can add for example:
HTML Code:
<if condition="$comment['id'] == 1">
Your AdSense code here
so it will display your AdSense code after the first comment.
Originally Posted by RedBird
Thank you bro working 100% With vb 3.6.5
Nice to hear, but I suggest you to upgrade to vB 3.6.8 PL2 for security reasons
Originally Posted by Jase2
I'm on step 3 but I don't get it. I've uploaded all files ect.. But there is no downloads directory on my web server, and in the upload folder you have download, and then a document. Please could you explain further to me.
Regards Jason 
In the first step you uploaded the content of the upload folder (not the folder itself) to your vBulletin forums directory.
So downloads.php is uploaded to the same folder where you can find index.php, forumdisplay.php, showthread.php and the other vBulletin root files. The upload folder also contais a downloads folder (with an index.html in it), so after uploading all the content the downloads folder is standing next to for example the vBulletin includes folder on your FTP.
Step 3: You just give that downloads folder a chmod to 777 permissions (right click on it in your FTP program, choose for chmod, "file permissions", "file properties", or something like that and give the folder the 777 permissions).