I have suggestion for username into thanks box:
In the /includes/functions_post_thanks.php at line 160:
For username use the vb function for get musername (username with style), I use this system:
// Get vBulletin User Group ID
$UserGroupID = ( $thank['displaygroupid'] == 0 ) ? 'usergroupid' : 'displaygroupid';
$cache[$thank['postid']][$thank['userid']]['username'] = fetch_musername($thank, $UserGroupID);
And the sql I have edited:
$thanks = $vbulletin->db->query_read("SELECT * FROM " .TABLE_PREFIX. "post_thanks AS ps INNER JOIN " .TABLE_PREFIX. "user AS u ON (u.userid = ps.userid) WHERE ps.postid IN (" . $post_ids . ") ORDER BY ps.username ASC");
I suggest to add this system
I have rewrited the table at bottom post for get thead class for first cell and delete external divisor for more standard
Thanks for your production