I'd love to see Groups/Guilds/Clans/Teams, and the ability to use them in Group Tournaments and a separate Leaderboard, etc.
A Challenge system (seen this everywhere as a request, and I concur).
Prune all scores after top X scores (used for basic clean up, not the same as full pruning), OR the option to not save any score that doesn't get into the top X scores. Obviously, X is configurable.
A special "All Games" Category that shows every game from every category the user has rights to, and an intuitive change to the Game List View Filtering:
Right now when you click on "All" in the line, "All 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z", you only see the current category's games, whereas clicking "A" will show all games that start with "A" across all categories. By having a special "All Games" Category, you can make the line, "All 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z", filter the currently selected category only, be it "All Games" or "Puzzle Games", "Shooters", etc.
I'd also like to see some additions to the Game List templates:
- Top X Highscore Champions, not just current High Score Champion, X is adjustable
- Last Comment
- Show the Category the game is listed in
- Instructions/Description of game (so you don't have to pay credit to view them, or have to click on HighScores to get a description)
Add to my wish list the ability to have games appear in more than one category. Example: most holiday games would fall under multiple categories, like Holiday + Puzzle. This how "Tagging" works.
Another idea would be to implement "Rooms" (works like Categories, can be set up to allow certain usergroups access into the rooms, i.e. Premium Room, Free Play Room, etc., can't have same game in more than one room, can have separate instance of game in different rooms) and "Types" (works like Tags, i.e., games can have multiple tags, can limit usergroup access to certain tags, like Adult). I don't know if I'm explaining this correctly, but it I can think of several ways to use this.