Originally Posted by maidos
Actually no, since my hdd got bad sector it was replaced with a new hard disk. surely u remember when i always get the error file down issue lol
Bad news came and they only was able to recover 40 % of my files. So most files on the download page is being there with with dead links. Theres no way i can go to manage my files to delete it. takes even more time . i need to test all files if they work or not before i delete it 
which is why having click box could save me alot of grief
I understand, but you are asking a lot of stuff and we are creating DownloadsII in our free time.
Always take a backup at least every week if your site is changing quick.
But I thought you were using RAID? So one bad disk can't be a problem (except for RAID0, which isn't a real RAID level) as you still have got a duplicate of all the content.
Also with RAID a good backup system is necessary (for example when you are hacked, then it's changed on all the disks). RAID only protects you from hardware failure.